Sunday, November 29, 2009

shake it like a polaroid





tank top from robinson's department store. Space white shorts. Possibility at the Ramp gladiator heels. thrifted sleveless trench. DIY studded belt and layered necklace. cocktail ring from an accessory store.

i'm never really a tank top with shorts type of gal. i just think that it's so normal and expected...and you know me, i don't like that although there is really no harm in trying, yeah? :)

i bought the chains from an accessory store and altered the lengths of each to make it into a layered necklace but i still find it too skinny for my taste so i have to go back to that store and get more chains for a funkier look. i do love my new cocktail ring too :)

so, i am reading eat pray love as i've told you in a past entry and the pivotal question there is:

since reading this book, i looked inside of me too and asked myself the same question. if you are single, you tend to think more of yourself and believe that you can do anything and everything now. so, here are some things i want to do:
* i want to travel alone in a place wherein i do not know anyone and i do not know exactly where to go. (i wanted to do this 3 years ago but love came my way and i just know that you can never do those things when you are with someone.)
* i want to go to the beach a desserted island with no cell phones and wi-fi, finish reading eat pray love while getting a tan.
* i want to study styling and sewing in FIP or somewhere in Paris maybe ( i was supposed to enroll myself to FIP this year but something came up and i will not be able to support myself as of the moment. yes, i will pay for my own tuition.)
* i want to go surfing in Hawaii or in Capetown, South Africa.
* i want to learn how to cook preferably italian ala-Giada De Laurentiis although i love barefoot contessa too.
* i want to be a full-time yoga devotee. ( i do yoga but i want to be better and a devout)
* i want a chanel bag before i get married (and buy diapers, milk, etc.)
* i want to bungee jump in macau.
* i want to join habitat for humanity or PETA.
* i want to live in tuscany or in greece.
* i want to have a stronger faith ( i want a spiritual adviser too!)

those are the things i want to do for now.....the list will probably accumulate later on in my life. yes, i can never be fully satisfied...i am human afterall :)

one of the most important passages in this book talks about how to be closer to God while still wanting earthly things, it says:

"To find the balance you want, this is what you must become. You must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that its like you have four legs, instead of two. That way, you can stay in the world. But you must stop thinking at the world through your head. You must look through your heart, instead. That way, you will know God."

how about you? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?

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