Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How I Retain Moisture

I found that when I made moisture my primary goal (not length, style, etc) it made a dramatic difference. I pre-pooed to retain moisture and prevent drying shampoo, the shampoo I used was selected because of minimal stripping properties, my conditioner�s choice was targeted towards the ones that seemed to be the most moisturizing, and now my styling products that are chosen for their moisturizing properties.

I aim to implement moisture at each step of my regimen:

Pre-poo: The first step in my regimen and like so many things in life the first step is the most important step. So don�t slack at this step.

Shampoo: A stripping shampoo can make your pre-poo step almost irrelevant. First I aim at really cleaning my scalp by applying shampoo directly to my scalp. While I am massaging the shampoo on my scalp suds form and I use those to cleanse the rest of my length.

Conditioner: I used to think that any conditioner could be used as a deep conditioner until I read somewhere (that I can�t find right now) that there is molecular difference in rinse out conditioners and deep conditioners. I am still on the fence with this one but that�s a topic for another day. The goal for moisture at the conditioning step is to deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner. The way in which you do (shower cap, heat, no heat, etc) really had not shown that big of a difference to me.

Styling: You don�t want the last step of your routine to ruin all of your hard work. Selecting a styling product that contributes to all of moisturizing that you have done at each step will benefit a whole lot more than an alcohol filled drying product. I style on damp hair and seal as I go.

Special treatment, such as protein, that are done to strengthen the hair should be followed with a moisturizing treatment. Proper strength and moisturize will decrease or prevent breakage. Too much of anything can be harmful so proper balance is key.

I retain moisture by adding moisture in each step. I haven�t had a problem with dryness for almost a year.

As always, this is what I found that works for me � experiment and find what works for your hair.

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